IOSON Lypolytic 20000752


Exfoliating action and fat loss

Composition: Carnitine (5%); Glycolic Acid (3.6%) and 1% Caffeine

What can IOSON Lypolytic be used for?

  • Reducing volume and localised adiposities
  • Suitable for treatment with devices.

What are the properties of using IOSON Lipolytic?

  • Carnitine has lipolytic action which helps with fat loss, transforming fatty acids into mitochondria to generate more energy and less fat storage.
  • Glycolic acid restructures and exfoliates. It increases dermis flexibility with an exfoliating effect. It also softens skin to prevent orange peel skin.
  • Caffeine increases AMPc with a draining detoxing and lypolytic action to activate hormone sensitive lypase which activates lipolytic metabolism.


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